Saturday, March 19, 2022

25) Iron Infusion #1-1

March 19, 2022

The Forms: When I was working with Paragon Infusion Center to schedule and complete their paperwork, the person I talked to on the phone agreed to email me the forms, since I don't like to "Arrive at the office 15 minutes early to complete the paperwork". Years of experience completing paperwork; riding shotgun with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); and wrestling with sporadic hand tremors that want my writing to be illegible; I have learned to ask for "the paperwork" ahead of time to complete at home and bring with me or submit as a pdf.

The receptionist agreed and pretty soon I was sitting at my desk with a 10 page pdf packet to work on.  And, it asked for some data that I had to research myself to find.  For example, they wanted a list on all my surgeries, which I only have interspersed in my medical folders that are organized by my ADD self. That list, with dates, and locations came to twelve, only going back to 2001, and taking an hour or two to find.  Fortunately I have medical blogs that go back to 2006 and can be searched by subject! So, I submitted the packet and showed up for my first session.

The Intake meeting and discussion was facilitated by Elizabeth about the information they needed and the consent forms language and I brought up how concerned I was about the warnings and disclosures about the upcoming "infusion".
put some quotes from the forms here necessitating emails to docs about warnings.

Getting cannulated by Sheryl ~smooth! The infusion went well. Afterwards I returned home and was somewhat tired out. 
Infusion # 1


Infusion #2

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