Friday, January 15, 2021

10) We are Still Staying Safe at Home!

COVID-19 Update: Liz and I are on a list here in Austin to receive the first vaccine... our Governor has set up HUBs where people in various categories can get vaccines... once the state releases them to the communities.  Liz is our basic "scrounger", going to the store and running errands requiring her staying masked, shopping early before most people shop, and using lots of hand washing and sanitizing all surfaces and packages that come into the house.  

I am the more high risk one; still being on immunosuppressant meds along with other treatments that make me more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus. So, aside from doctor's appointments, lab visits, and driving with Liz to see the world and wait in the car once in awhile, I am homebound.  

We have had infrequent visits from Katie, James, and our newish Grandchild Chloe and I have held her once... but that's about it for visiting people (also had one front yard masked visit with Kim.

Heptology & HHT Update: I think we have had a few meetings with Dr. Wells since my last post on this blog. I was having increased swelling in my feet, shortness of breath, and worries about my heart.  My cardiologist, Dr. Wozniak, wasn't too concerned and he suggested I use some furosemide to pull the water out.  That experiment didn't work too well because it made my creatinine go up, so we went with Dr. Baru's idea of using Doxazosin at night instead of Proscar, which decreased my shortness of breath and my feet swelling (or, at least contributed to that end).

Having three docs who are taking an active part in my medical treatment is interesting and sometimes confusing (and I swear that at least one of my 12 meds also causes fuzzy brain!). For example, they all seem to have different lists of the meds I am taking!

Since having seen Dr. Wells twice in the last 3 months we have been trying to get in to see Dr. Baru for a kidney check and to discuss removing my fistula, which Baru thinks will have an impact on my blood pressure.  He wants me to get Labs (CBC) and then we can schedule a meeting (probably virtual).  

The COVID-19 pandemic ruined our planned visit to the Southwestern Hospital HHT Clinic in Dallas last year.  Aside from having Dr. Wells share all her records with Dr. Battaile ( we are now in a waiting pattern with Southwest Med Ctr.  We are interested in getting more info from them about pulmonary hypertension.

So, we trek on through viruses, genetic diseases, and other medical situations; knowing as we get older they may become more bothersome and we begin hearing more about people we know leaving this earthly reality and passing on or away or into the mystery of dying.

I am somewhat worried about all that, but more worried about leaving this stuffed house for Liz and/or kids to have to clean out and discard all my junk. More (thoughts) to come. 

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